Lottery Winners Cripple Corby Town Bus Service

EuroMillions winners

In a classic tale of from grass to grace, a syndicate composing of 12 bus drivers won a whooping £38 million from the EuroMillions lottery. This was probably the best thing that happened in their lives. Shifting from a £17,000 a year job to a millionaire lifestyle is not a daily occurrence.

However, their luck also had a downside. The 12 bus drivers formed about a fifth of the work force at the Stage Coach Bus Company. None of the twelve drivers reported to work the next day and the bus company operation was in total chaos. By the time of writing this, 11 of the drivers had officially submitted their resignation letters.

This was after informally calling the bus company and informing the management that they will be quitting their jobs at the station. In another twist to the story, the bus drivers have considered giving part of the winning to a former member of the syndicate.

Hazel Loveday, a single parent had left the syndicate six months prior the EuroMillions jackpot winning after she was unable to afford the £2 per week contribution. However, this is yet to be confirmed by the lottery syndicate.

The bus drivers haven’t decided on how they will spend their part of the winning. However, most of them plan to use a large part of the winning on their families.

The EuroMillions is a popular lottery played in over nine European countries. Players can take part in the EuroMillions by playing EuroMillions lottery online.


Okay, my name is Jeremy and you can find me on Google+. I`m here to write about the lottery. You may ask, why lottery? Everything is simple – life is the lottery! It`s a pretty interesting stuff to write about. Some people win, some people lose, but no one loses the hope. Here you can find everything you wanted to know about the lottery. Almost all world’s lotteries are gathered in one place. So, join us and let`s try our luck together!

